Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We Are Fellow-Workers With God

May 1st is Labor Day in most countries in the world.  It is a national holiday here in Cameroon.  It is also the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.  I’ve been reflecting on how God is a “worker,” and how the work we do, whatever vocation we have, is a co-operation with God’s work.  When God created the world, the sun and the stars, all the animals and plants, the pinnacle of His work was to create us in His image and likeness.  He gave us the work of “having dominion” over the earth and all its creatures (Genesis 1:26).  We are stewards of creation.  We participate in God’s work.

Here in NW Cameroon, we are celebrating exactly 100 years since the first missionaries came to share the Good News with people who had never heard of Jesus Christ.  The theme verse for Lay Mission Helpers is: “we are God’s helpers” (1 Cor. 3:9).  This verse is also the theme verse for this year’s centenary celebrations here in the Archdiocese of Bamenda—“we are fellow workers with God.”   

As for my family and I, we feel so very privileged to serve with LMH at this special moment in the history of Cameroon.  I truly believe the work we are doing here, even just being here, just enjoying time together as a family, is a participation in God’s work.

May this be true for all of us!  In our jobs, in our work at home, in all that we do throughout each day, may we be conscious that God is with us, and that we are doing what God has called to do, that we are participating in the work of God.

The peak commemoration Mass for the centenary is coming up at the end of this month.  Stay tuned for news about it.  For almost two years now, in preparation for this celebration, we have been praying the following prayer whenever we attend Mass.  It has become so very meaningful to me.  I pray that it will be meaningful to you as you pray it with us…

Loving Father,
You have made us good and beautiful in your own image.
We praise and thank you for calling us to be your children
and to share in your life and love through your Son, Jesus Christ.

Gentle Savior,
You are the vine, and we are the branches.
May we be one with you as you are one with the Father.
Renew in us your call to be witnesses to you
as we celebrate the centenary of the proclamation of your Good News in our Archdiocese.

Holy Spirit,
Come to us.  Strengthen us in our response to our call.
Make us new in mind, heart and spirit.
Lead us to the fullness of truth and in the paths of the New Evangelization.
Empower us and let us be gentle instruments to renew the face of the earth.
Make us fellow workers with God by building up communities of faith and love.

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us.
St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.  Amen.


(2 May 2014)

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