Tuesday, October 30, 2012

PTL Lights

My friend sent me a text that said" PTL lights" (yes I moved to Camerooon and now carry a cell phone and learned how to text).  Not being savvy to the "text talk" I asked her what "PTL" stood for she said "Praise the Lord".  She explained that they had been without electricity for 5 days.  They have a small generator that kept the fridge going, but little else. Fortunately during that time we were without the generator for only half a day - and my biggest complaint was I had no ice cubes that night.  Rough life.

But it got me thinking about some PTL's in my life.

PTL-The Computer teacher has returned to St Josephs so the Principal said I can teach whatever I want.  Math, English and Bible here I come!!!!!!!!

PTL-We got our first care package.  It was like Christmas opening all the goodies. We also only had to pay a small receiving fee.

PTL-I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the house renovations. The house is a mess, but it will be done someday and look very nice.

PTL-Pete is loving teaching and he has been working a Merryville teaching lay folks which he also loves.  It is nice to see him so fired up.

PTL-After 15 days we finally have internet back.  Not sure what the issue was, but it made me realize what an email addict I am.  I miss hearing from my friends and family.  And was so sad I missed several Skype appointments.

PTL-I am going to start volunteering at the kids school three hours a week. 

PTL-Nester cleans the toilets now and the shower. Am I spoiled or what?

PTL-for movies here.  For $1 we can buy 8 movies.  Red Box can't beat that. (Pirating is not illegal here)

PTL-We are loving our 4 wheel drive.  We were able to go to Kumbo (3 hours away-half on dirt roads) to attend the funeral of the Auxiliary Bishop and to see a fellow LMHer.  Also Pete met with the Cardinal’s mother who is 113 years old!!!!!!J

PTL-We are healthy and happy. We are making friends and learning lots.

PTL-God is good and His love is unconditional and everlasting!!!!!!!!


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