Monday, August 12, 2013

Whirlwind Tour of US

We are on the home stretch of our visit back to the US. We will have been in 10 states and we are getting used to seeing the clouds from below and above.  It has been so nice to see family and friends.
Some highlights were watching the kids enjoy loved a water park with grandma in Iowa, going to baseball games in Iowa, CA, and Cape Cod, and my Girls Night Out with dear friends. Also attending a Great Gatsby Gala night on the Cape was so fun. 

After 3 weeks in the Midwest, we went to California.  We were able to see Patti, Sonia, Janice and Elise (from the Mission House) and see Mission Doctors who have left Cameroon after three years and the new Mission Family heading to Cameroon next week.  It is such a blessing to be part of the LMH/MDA Mission Community.  

People keep asking us how we "survived" the first year.  My honest answer is that we didn't survive we "thrived".  It has been really nice to have all the treats and conveniences that we have in the US, but were are eager to get back to Bamenda and our life there. We have such a rich and rewarding life in Africa, that all the "stuff" in the US seems nice but unnecessary. 

The kids and I head back to Cameroon on Aug 21st and Pete will stay in the US to attend a wedding. It has been a wonderful summer but I miss the rain, the waterfalls, the people, our house, my friends, and all the students I worked with.  I am also looking forward to getting to know the three new Missionary families who are arriving in Cameroon. 


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