Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Goat Investment Increases In Value!

By Joshua Newburn (Age 13)

Almost a year ago I made a purchase of a female goat named Ruth for about $60. My goal was to milk it, sell the milk, and finally sell the goat. But I was also prepared to have my whole investment be taken away if she were to die. I was glad I had another pet, and if it got me some money, great!

Soon I found out that in order for Ruth to produce milk, she had to have babies. So the milk idea went out of my mind and I just thought about how much I could sell her when we go back.

But my dad wanted more excitement than that. He arranged for Ruth to mate with a big, strong, and territorial goat. After a week, we took Ruth back and hoped for the best. Gradually her sides grew larger and we said, “Maybe she’s pregnant!”

A few months after the mating, we took a sonogram of her. It wasn’t easy because she was so hairy, and the picture was blurry. But we thought we saw a horn of a mini-Ruth.

A few weeks ago, Jessica performed at Carton Rouge in Yaounde and we went to see her. The day before we left I saw that Ruth’s belly was especially large. Jessica won the competition, so we celebrated, and drove back to Bamenda.

When we got home, we unpacked and settled down again. Suddenly Jessica ran into my room excitedly shouting, “Ruth had her babies!!! Ruth had her babies!!!”

Confused, I responded, “Babies? What? …Are you joking?” She beckoned me outside and to my amazement, there were two tiny kids lying beside Ruth. Nestor then told us that Ruth was struggling to get them out the morning we came back, but they were clean after Ruth’s protective cleaning.

I felt as if I was a new grandfather. Ruth had twins! I calculated the profit of selling three goats and also the excitement of milking her.

Now they are jumping around like as two growing (quickly!) goats. I thank God for allowing them to be in this world and showing me to trust him with my money.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Water Shortage

The rainy season officially started March 15, but the water shortage continues.  Most years it can take weeks or months to bring up the water levels to the point where there is daily water.  But in September of 2014 the major reservoir for Bamenda burst and the water was released. The results have been devastating.  Since then, water has been completely unavailable to many of the people in Bamenda and irregularly to all.

Thousands of people have been trekking long distances to carry water or relying on weekly firetrucks that deliver to the various quarters. One of our friends has been delivering tanks which are full of water in his truck to friends who have been without water since before Christmas. One friend reported they can make the tank last two weeks if they are careful.  My guess is that it is about the amount an average family uses in a day.

People stand in line to get water out of public water taps. Others find taps that flow from the drying up waterfalls. Others buy water and then carry it home on their heads.

I hope that I will be permanently changed by this experience.  I don’t ever want to underestimate the blessing of water. I feel that I take so much for granted and have no idea how much I have that I just expect instead of feeling grateful. It was funny as we ate in the dark without even a flashlight; our guest from Germany was shocked that we hardly even blinked about it. She also tried to use our tap water and I had to remind her that we have to filter it. When I was back in the states it was awkward for me to get water from the tap.

The longest we have been without water was three days. We had to drive to get water when the outside tank outside ran low. Most days the water just goes on and off for several hours at a time.  Usually we are not really bothered. We can always heat up water if we don’t want a cold bucket bath or just use extra perfume. But when my control issues flare up about no internet or not being able to do the dishes, I can get quite frustrated (bordering on entitled). It is a great time to stop and ask God “Is there something else you want me to be doing?” Just one of the many ways I am SLOWLY changing from MY time to God’s time.
