Thursday, January 9, 2014

Open Door

One of the blessings we have here is to live in the inner part of the Bishop’s compound.  It helps us have good security, beautiful grounds and the generator when the lights go out.  But I often feel it is a bit of an “ivory tower”.  We do not have the neighborhood feel and the blessing of having kids and adults close by. I am grateful for the privacy, but also feel that we are missing out on being more “with the local people”.

One of the customs here in Cameroon is to go around on Christmas and “visit” people. I asked if everyone is out visiting then who is home to greet.  I never got a clear answer, but we decided to open our door for two days and invite everyone to visit.

We had sisters and priests, and neighborhood kids and, many of our friends and venders at the market came. There were people from the Radio Station and the kids’ school, and students of Pete’s plus a ton more.  We served a light meal and drinks (Nestor was on holiday so I felt proud that Pete and I did all the work ourselves. We counted at least 80 that came. It was a bit hectic, with the water running only part the time and people arriving long after the 5pm ending (silly me to think I had any control over time here).  We sang some and just had fun getting to know people a little better.

One of my “thorn” moments over the holiday was when we were running out to a party on Christmas Eve and a Catechist came to greet us.  He comes periodically and he has a way of bringing out my “unChristlike” qualities.  When he comes he often stays for hours and I am never quite sure what to do with him. He wanted to sit and write some Christmas cards so we left him on the front steps.  I couldn’t help but remember the Scripture about how Christ came in all forms and the people said “if we knew it was you we would have fed you” etc. I wish I had been ten minutes later to the party and given him a small gift or a bite to eat.

One of the “roses” was when the Archbishop came by a day or two after the party. He came in his jogging suit after his daily walk.  After a few minutes of greeting, Pete boldly asked if it were possible for him to hear confessions. He agreed readily. Josh and Jessica came out beaming with the light of Christ shining in their eyes.  What a blessing for them to have such a meaningful and personal experience with our bishop.  After he left we had a time of heartfelt family prayer.

I hope that 2014 will allow us to open the door to Christ and our neighbors more and more.


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