Friday, September 19, 2014

Potty Talk

Jessica came home with this information from her Health Education class.  I have recopied it as she printed it nicely in red and blue ink in her exercise book.


A latrine is any hole that is properly dug and built for passing feces and urine.

Types of Latrines:

1.      The Pit Latrine
A pit latrine is built outside some distance away from the house, kitchen, and well. With the pit latrine, you squat on the hole when you want to send out waste. The hole should be smooth and hard.

2.      The Bucket Latrine
This is a system where feces is collected in buckets. The bucket is emptied every morning.

3.      Water Closet Latrine
This is a latrine system where all the waste (feces and urine) is flushed into an underground system. Plenty for water is used for flushing.

Uses of Latrines

1.      Latrines are used for passing out solid and liquid waste.
2.      The solid waste from the latrines is sometimes used as fertilizers.
3.      Sludge from the latrines can be fermented and used cooking gas.
4.      The Latrine helps prevent soil, air, and water pollution.

PS (from Joy) On car trips we have gotten pretty used to going in the “bush” too and in desperation within sight of oncoming cars.  You just gotta do what you gotta do.

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