Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Some of you have heard me mention SCA which stands for Sonshine Christian Academy that is a homeschooling program here in Bamenda. We have enrolled Josh in the program for 7th grade. The other option for Josh was boarding school, which we didn’t desire for him at this time. The girls will continue at the local school in Bamenda, supplemented with some online homeschooling.  We love Khan Academy (online).

Included in the homeschooling program are materials from the Sonlight and Beka curriculums and a huge reading list, we also get two weeks of tutoring at our home from the Director of the program.  While here, she will also provide support and mentoring to me.  The program also includes two, two week session with all the homeschooling kids in the program.  This year there were 25 kids enrolled.

These past two weeks we had the summer SCA session.  We were able to have the girls attend as they have not started school yet.  The program included grammar and writing, math, art, music, devotion time, PE, read aloud, and a special program (which was government this year).

I cannot possibly overstate how great the program was.  It was challenging, but fun. Well organized, but plenty of freedom for the teachers to teach what they wanted. The kids come from all types of denominations and many parts of the world.

My responsibilities entailed morning devotions with the younger kids and read from 1 Corinthians and talked about the body of Christ. We worked on ways to please God (through the Virtues Program I often use here).  I also taught kindergarten Math and helped in the Pre K room.  Pete prepped for many hours to prepare for 7-8 grade English. He delighted the kids on Friday with a game of Jeopardy. We Newburns also facilitated the opening worship session.

Our kids all made Nationals in PE and Jessica even made presidential (by US standards).

Josh and Jessica learned how to play the recorder and Josh improved his percussion skills on the drum.
The kids sewed onto burlap, and played “dirt” hockey.

During the final program the kids recited scripture, sang songs and did skits. Jessica had us in stitches with her two person play called “There is guinea pig in my soup”.

The kids had such a fabulous time with their friends and it was encouraging to Pete and me that our kids are at or above grade average. We are such proud parents.


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