Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Rainy Season

We are at the end of the rainy season, but the rains can still be strong. The waterfalls are just gorgeous now. We can see two from our driveway.
Despite the heavy rains there is still a water problem.  We are often without water or very low pressure. As I squat under the faucet of the shower to get enough water to rinse my hair, I am grateful that the water is at least hot and that I don’t have to carry water for kilometers to bring to the house.

Driving is a bit crazy here, but especially hard when it is raining.

I was walking to pick the kids up from school and I got caught in a heavy down pour.  

Despite the negatives, I still love the rainy season here.  I like to listen to the sound of the rain approaching as it thunders on the tin roves nearby.  I love to lie in bed and let the sound of the rain gently put me to sleep.


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