Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Land of Plenty

We have been back in the states for 12 weeks. In that time we have been to Cape Cod, to the Chicago area to buy a house, to Estes Park, to California, to South Beloit IL, and then finally into our new house in Batavia, IL. The kids are well into school and Pete loves his job at Alpha. I am in two bible studies and an Alpha group.

Our reentry has been quite hectic, but most enjoyable.  One of the things that is hard to take in is how much is available. Shopping is still overwhelming to me.  The number of cereals, cheese choices, isles of coffee flavors. There is even a cold case for fresh dog food.

But is not just food.  The choices in shoes, trashcans, toothpaste, holders, zip lock bags, lamps, colored pens, notebooks, laundry detergents. It is hard for me not to get overwhelmed by the choices when I shop. I miss Rosie’s little shop which is the size of my walk in closet now.

We were richly blessed with furniture donations from family and church contacts. Yard sales and estate sales quickly finished off our needs list. It was astounding how much we gleaned from others abundance. I felt like Ruth going through the fields behind the workers, feeding myself off their extra. We each have 3 winter coats thanks to the generosity of others. We also quickly got 5 bikes and have been enjoying the bike trails especially along the river.

I am a bit nervous for Christmas as the hype here for Halloween is huge.  Before Oct 1st yards were full of skeletons and ghost and creepy monsters.  The stores are packed with costumes and household decorations and enough candy to keep dentists busy for the next five years.
It is hard to “keep it simple” with so much available.

I am still thankful for my dishwasher every day. I still hate to do laundry, but love that I can be typing this while the machine does most of the work. It is easy for us to take for granted how blessed we are. There is a lot of road construction and slow downs here and it always makes me smile when people complain - if they could just see how road construction is done in Cameroon.

I miss the Cameroonian sunsets and the goats frolicking in the yard.  I miss seeing Emily climbing trees in her bare feet. I miss Friday Fellowship with the other Missionaries and I miss Margaret who I did a radio show with.  I miss the smiling faces of my students and I miss the waterfalls.

Yes, we have “plenty” here in America. But only God can fill our hearts with what we really need.


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