Monday, July 6, 2015

In America can we...

About a month ago the girls starting asking me questions that began “in America can we….”  Especially Emily does not remember a lot of what life is like in America. I wish I had written them all down, but here are a few I remember and then some that Josh and I have been wondering.

In America can we buy that whipped cream that you squirt in your mouth?
In America can I have my own room?
In America can you light the stove without holding it and singing to it for 30 seconds….. Hey, are there stoves that you don’t have to light with a match?
In America can we get all our groceries in one place?
In America can I go to the Mall and buy clothes (not lying on the street)
In America can we have pizza with lots of cheese on it?
In America can we have hamburgers (not bean burgers)?
In America can it be my job to push the trash out to the street (rather than schleping down the hill to the compost and burn area)
In America can we walk to the library?
In America does it take 5 to 20 weeks to get mail?

In American schools will I have to copy down blackboards full of material into a notebook?
In America can I give you my dirty clothes in the morning and have them done by the same day?
In America can I play soccer with a coach and a referee?
In America does it take 1 and half hours to get food in a restaurant?
In America can I eat as much cheese as I want?
In America is it safe to bike to school (ie won’t be run over by cars and motorcycles on the SIDEWALK)
In America can we have electricity 24/7?

In America can we buy a house on a paved street that has a dishwasher, washer dryer and has hot water running in the kitchen sink?
In America can I have a car that doesn’t break down every week because the roads are so bad?
In America can I talk on the phone as long as I want without counting the cost by the minute?
In America can I really turn on the internet and watch the videos people post on Facebook?
In America can I call Pete and have him pick up Chinese food when I don’t feel like cooking?
In America can Pete start bringing home real flowers instead of plastic ones?
In America will we dream about all the things we miss in Cameroon?
