Monday, March 3, 2014

Blending In

Greetings from Pete!  This year is a Centenary Year, celebrating 100 years of faith in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.  There are peak celebrations in different parishes and deaneries and for various ministries throughout the year.  Recently, I participated in the centenary celebration for catechists.

After the Mass, there was a program in the cathedral hall.  Different people shared about the theme verse for the centenary year—“We are fellow workers with God” (1 Cor 3:9).  I got to share about how that very same verse is the theme for Lay Mission Helpers, from a slightly different translation—“We are God’s helpers.”  I shared how very special it is for my family and me to be here as missionaries at this unique moment in the history of Cameroon, and how exciting it is to share in the Church’s call for the New Evangelization.

Then they had entertainment, with traditional dance and drumming.  Various people were joining in, and I was thinking, “I’m not going up there!” though I was enjoying watching them.  Then a priest joined in (to cheers from the crowd).  Finally, the main guy pointed to me to invite me up.  I had no choice.  I danced my way to the stage and joined in the circle.  It was fun!

Later, I was sharing with Joy and the kids about the experience, and how I actually felt pretty comfortable, even though I was the only white person.  At the end of my story, I commented how I just blended in with the others.  Jessica said: “Yeah, you really blended in!”  We all laughed and laughed at that one!


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